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FileHelpers Namespace

The main namespace of the library.
You must import always this namespace to work with the FileHelpers.

Go directly to the Engine classes FileHelperEngine, FileHelperAsyncEngine and MultiRecordEngine.

Engines Diagram:
Public classBadUsageException
Indicates the wrong usage of the library.
Public classBigFileSorter
This class help to sort really big files using the External Sorting algorithm
Public classBigFileSorterSorterRecord
Support record class for string sorting
Public classBigFileSorterT
This class help to sort really big files using the External Sorting algorithm
Public classCommonEngine
This class only has static methods to work with files and strings (most of the common tools)
Public classCode exampleConditionalRecordAttribute
Allow to declaratively set what records must be included or excluded while reading.
Public classConverterBase
Base class to provide bi-directional Field - String conversion.
Public classConvertException
Indicates that a string value can't be converted to a dest type.
Public classCsvEngine
A class to read generic CSV files delimited for any char.
Public classDelimitedField
Define a field that is delimited, eg CSV and may be quoted
Public classDelimitedFileEngine
This version of the FileHelperEngine is exclusively for delimited records. It allows you to change the delimiter and other options at runtime
Public classDelimitedFileEngineT
A version of the FileHelperEngine exclusively for delimited records. It allows you to change the delimiter and other options at runtime
Public classDelimitedRecordAttribute
Indicates that this class represents a delimited record.
Public classEngineBase
Abstract Base class for the engines of the library: FileHelperEngine and FileHelperAsyncEngine
Public classErrorInfo
Contains error information of the FileHelperEngine class.
Public classErrorManager
This is the class that handles the errors of the engines process.
Public classEventEngineBaseT
Base for engine events
Public classExtensionsFileHelpers
Set of Extension methods to be exposed to end users of the FileHelpers API.
Public classFieldAlignAttribute
Indicates the AlignMode used for write operations.
Public classFieldArrayLengthAttribute
Allows you to set the length or bounds that the target array field must have.
Public classFieldAttribute
Public classFieldBase
Base class for all Field Types. Implements all the basic functionality of a field in a typed file.
Public classFieldCaptionAttribute
Indicates a different caption for this field, which overrides FieldFriendlyName when calling GetFileHeader.
Public classFieldConverterAttribute
Indicates the ConverterKind used for read/write operations.
Public classFieldDelimiterAttribute
Indicates a different delimiter for this field.
Public classFieldFixedLengthAttribute
Indicates the length of a FixedLength field.
Public classFieldHiddenAttribute
Hides the field to the library, the library does not use the target field at all. Nor for read and write

Note: If the field is in the record structure but you want to discard the values in that position use FieldValueDiscardedAttribute

Public classFieldIgnoredAttribute Obsolete.
Hides the field to the library. Obsolete: You must use [FieldHidden]
Public classFieldInNewLineAttribute
Indicates the target field has a new line before this value i.e. indicates that the records have multiple lines, and this field is in the beginning of a line.
Public classFieldNotEmptyAttribute
Indicates that the target field cannot contain an empty string value. This attribute is used for read.
Public classFieldNotInFileAttribute Obsolete.
Hides the field to the library. Obsolete: You must use [FieldHidden]
Public classFieldNullValueAttribute
Indicates the value to assign to the field in the case of a NULL value. A default value if none supplied in the field itself.
Public classFieldOptionalAttribute
Indicates that the target field might be on the source file. If it is not present then the value will be null (TODO: Check null) This attribute is used for read.
Public classFieldOrderAttribute
Indicates the relative order of the current field. Note: If you use this property for one field you must to use it for all fields.
Public classFieldQuotedAttribute
Indicates that the field must be read and written as a Quoted String. By default uses "" (double quotes)
Public classFieldTrimAttribute
Indicates the TrimMode used after reading to truncate the field.
Public classFieldValueDiscardedAttribute
Discards the values for the target field. Note: If the field is not on the source file you must use FieldHiddenAttribute
Public classFileDiffEngineT
Public classFileHelperAsyncEngine
Async engine, reads records from file in background, returns them record by record in foreground
Public classCode exampleFileHelperAsyncEngineT

One of the main classes of the library.

This engine is responsible to Read/Write the records One by One from/to files or streams.

Public classFileHelperEngine
Basic engine to read record by record
Public classCode exampleFileHelperEngineT

One of the main classes of the library.

This engine is responsible to Read/Write the records at once from/to files or streams.

You can use the DelimitedFileEngine or the FixedFileEngine if you need to change some options at runtime

Public classFileHelpersException
Base class for all the library Exceptions.
Public classFileTransformEngineTSource, TDestination
This class allow you to convert the records of a file to a different record format.
Public classFixedFileEngine
This version of the FileHelperEngine is exclusively for fixed length records. It allows you to change options at runtime
Public classFixedFileEngineT
This version of the FileHelperEngine is exclusively for fixed length records. It allows you to change options at runtime
Public classFixedLengthField
Fixed length field that has length and alignment
Public classFixedLengthRecordAttribute
Indicates that this class represents a fixed length record.
Public classIgnoreCommentedLinesAttribute Obsolete.
Indicates that the engine must ignore commented lines while reading.
Public classIgnoreEmptyLinesAttribute
Indicates that the engine will ignore the empty lines while reading.
Public classIgnoreFirstAttribute
Indicates the number of lines at beginning of the file to be ignored.
Public classIgnoreInheritedClassAttribute
Fields inherited from base classes will be ignored.
Public classIgnoreLastAttribute
The number of lines to be ignored at the end of the file.
Public classMultiRecordEngine

This engine allows you to parse and write files that contain records of different types and that are in a linear relationship

(for Master-Detail check the MasterDetailEngine)

Public classNullValueNotFoundException
Indicates the wrong usage of the library.
Public classRecordIndexer
A class to loop through the field values
Public classTypedRecordAttribute
Base class for the record types..
Public delegateRecordTypeSelector
Delegate that determines the Type of the current record (Master, Detail, Skip)
Public enumerationAlignMode
Indicates the align of the field when the FileHelperEnginewrites the record.
Public enumerationConverterKind
Indicates the Conversion used in the FieldConverterAttribute.
Public enumerationErrorMode
Indicates the behavior when the engine classes like FileHelperEngine class found an error.
Public enumerationFixedMode
Indicates the behavior when variable length records are found in a [FixedLengthRecordAttribute]. (Note: nothing in common with [FieldOptional])
Public enumerationMultilineMode
Indicates the behavior of multiline fields.
Public enumerationNetLanguage
Indicates the .NET Language
Public enumerationNetVisibility
Indicates the visibility of a member.
Public enumerationQuoteMode
Indicates the behavior of quoted fields.
Public enumerationRecordCondition
The condition used to include or exclude each record.
Public enumerationTrimMode
Indicates the trimming behavior of the leading and trailing whitespace.