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CsvClassBuilder Methods

The CsvClassBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddField(String)
Add a new Delimited string field to the current class.
(Inherited from DelimitedClassBuilder.)
Public methodAddField(DelimitedFieldBuilder)
Add a new Delimited field to the current class.
(Inherited from DelimitedClassBuilder.)
Public methodAddField(String, String)
Add a new Delimited field to the current class.
(Overrides DelimitedClassBuilderAddField(String, String).)
Public methodAddField(String, Type)
Add a new Delimited field to the current class.
(Inherited from DelimitedClassBuilder.)
Public methodAddFields(Int32)
Adds to the class the specified number of fields.
(Overrides DelimitedClassBuilderAddFields(Int32).)
Public methodAddFields(Int32, String)
Adds to the class the specified number of fields.
Public methodClearFields
Removes all the Fields of the current class.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodCreateRecordClass
Generate the runtime record class to be used by the engines.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodFieldByIndex
Return the field at the specified index.
(Inherited from DelimitedClassBuilder.)
Public methodGetClassBinaryCode
Returns the ENCRYPTED code for the current class in the specified language.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodGetClassSourceCode
Returns the source code for the current class in the specified language.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodSaveToBinaryFile(String)
Write the ENCRYPTED source code of the current class to a file. (In C#)
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodSaveToBinaryFile(String, NetLanguage)
Write the ENCRYPTED source code of the current class to a file. (In C#)
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodSaveToSourceFile(String)
Write the source code of the current class to a file. (In C#)
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodSaveToSourceFile(String, NetLanguage)
Write the source code of the current class to a file. (In the specified language)
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodSaveToXml(Stream)
Saves to an Stream the XML representation of the current record class.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodSaveToXml(TextWriter)
Save to a TextWriter the XML representation of the current record class.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodSaveToXml(String)
Saves to a file the XML representation of the current record class.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public methodSaveToXmlString
Creates the XML representation of the current record class.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
See Also