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FixedLengthClassBuilder Properties

The FixedLengthClassBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdditionalReferences (Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyClassName
Gets or sets the name of the Class.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyCommentText
Comment text placed above the class definition
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyFieldCount
Returns the current number of fields.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyFields
Returns the current fields of the class.
Public propertyFixedMode
Indicates the behavior when variable length records are found
Public propertyGenerateProperties
Indicates if this ClassBuilder generates also the property accessors (Perfect for DataBinding)
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyIgnoreCommentedLines
Indicates that the engine must ignore the lines with this comment marker.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyIgnoreEmptyLines
Indicates that the engines must ignore the empty lines in the files.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyIgnoreFirstLines
Indicates the number of FIRST LINES or heading records to be ignored by the engines.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyIgnoreLastLines
Indicates the number of LAST LINES or trailing records to be ignored by the engines.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyLastField
Return the last added field. (use it reduce casts and code)
Public propertyNamespace
The namespace used when creating the class.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyRecordCondition
Allow to tell the engine what records must be included or excluded while reading.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertySealedClass
Indicates if the generated class must be sealed.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
Public propertyVisibility
The Visibility for the class.
(Inherited from ClassBuilder.)
See Also