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QuoteMode Enumeration

Indicates the behavior of quoted fields.

Namespace:  FileHelpers
Assembly:  FileHelpers (in FileHelpers.dll) Version: 3.2.6
public enum QuoteMode
  Member nameValueDescription
AlwaysQuoted0 The engines expects that the field must always be surrounded with quotes when reading and always adds the quotes when writing.
OptionalForRead1 The engine can handle a field even if it is not surrounded with quotes while reading but it always add the quotes when writing.
OptionalForWrite2 The engine always expects a quote when read and it will only add the quotes when writing only if the field contains quotes, new lines or the separator char.
OptionalForBoth3 The engine can handle a field even if it is not surrounded with quotes while reading and it will only add the quotes when writing if the field contains quotes, new lines or the separator char.
See Also