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IFileHelperAsyncEngineTBeginReadStream Method

Open a specified stream and seek to the first record.

Namespace:  FileHelpers
Assembly:  FileHelpers (in FileHelpers.dll) Version: 3.2.6
IDisposable BeginReadStream(
	TextReader reader


Type: System.IOTextReader
The TextReader of the stream.

Return Value

Type: IDisposable

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:FileHelpers.IFileHelperAsyncEngine`1.BeginReadStream(System.IO.TextReader)"]


This method only seeks to the first record.

To read record by record use ReadNext method.

When you stop reading the file you must call Close method.

This example shows a simple example of use of the async methods in the FileHelperAsymcEngine:
using FileHelpers;

// First declare the record class

public class SampleType
    public string Field1;
    public int    Field2;

public void ReadExample()
    SampleType record;    

    var engine = new FileHelperAsyncEngine<SampleType>();

        foreach(var record in engine)

           // put your code here !!!!
           Console.WriteLine("Data " + record.Field1 + " , " + record.Field2.ToString());

See Also