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IFileHelperAsyncEngineT Methods

The IFileHelperAsyncEngineT generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodBeginAppendToFile
Open a file to Append to the end.
Public methodCode exampleBeginReadFile
Open a specified file and seek to the first record.
Public methodCode exampleBeginReadStream
Open a specified stream and seek to the first record.
Public methodBeginReadString
Public methodCode exampleBeginWriteFile
Open a file to write it. If the file exists the engine will over write it
Public methodCode exampleBeginWriteStream
Set the stream to be used in the WriteNext(T) operation.
Public methodCode exampleClose
Close all opened stream readers and writers (if any).
Public methodFlush
Save all the buffered data for write to the disk. Useful with opened async engines when you want to save pending values to disk. Expecially for engines used for logging.
Public methodCode exampleReadNext
Reads the next record of a file.
Public methodReadNexts
Reads the specified number of records from a file or stream opened before.
Public methodReadToEnd
Read the file to the end, returning an array of records
Public methodCode exampleWriteNext
Write the next record to a file or stream opened.
Public methodWriteNexts
Write the next records to a file or stream opened.
Public methodWriteNextValues
Write the current record values in the buffer. You can use engine[0] or engine["YourField"] to set the values.
See Also